joan burlingame

General Recreation Screening Tool (GRST)

Manual and 25 Score Sheets

Written for clients with MR/DD, the GRST measures the general developmental level of the client in eighteen areas related to leisure. This basic screening tool takes about 15 minutes to score after observing the patient in two or more activities. Initial construct validity was established by including developmental items that were found in a minimum of three independent studies prior to being included as an item in the screening tool.


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Written for clients with MR/DD, the GRST measures the general developmental level of the client in eighteen areas related to leisure. This basic screening tool takes about 15 minutes to score after observing the patient in two or more activities. Initial construct validity was established by including developmental items that were found in a minimum of three independent studies prior to being included as an item in the screening tool.

Leisure skills assessed include gross motor, fine motor, eye-hand, play behavior, play structure, language use, language comprehension, numbers, object use, following directions, problem solving, attending behavior, possessions, emotional control, imitation play, people skills, music, and stories/drama.

For clients who are lower functioning, you might also want to see the Recreation Early Development Screening Tool or the FOX.