Fox Developmental Center

FOX – Activity Therapy Skills Baseline

Manual and 25 Score Sheets

The FOX evaluates the client’s level of skills in the social/affective domain. The skills included in this assessment are important building blocks to the development of a mature leisure lifestyle. In most cases it should take less than 30 minutes per client to administer and score. The assessment is appropriate for clients who have a developmental level of approximately six months to four years. It is appropriate for clients with developmental disabilities.


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The FOX evaluates the client’s level of skills in the social/affective domain. The skills included in this assessment are important building blocks to the development of a mature leisure lifestyle. In most cases it should take less than 30 minutes per client to administer and score. The assessment is appropriate for clients who have a developmental level of approximately six months to four years. It is appropriate for clients with developmental disabilities.

The FOX measures reactions to others, reaction to objects, attention seeking, interaction with objects, concept of self, and interactions with others.

For clients who are at similar levels of functioning, you might also want to see the Recreation Early Development Screening Tool or the General Recreation Screening Tool.